Getting my ORIGINAL Milleage first

8 10 2007

Firstly I have clocked my original mileage before testing anything. This is to obtain a bench mark for future reading to be compared to.

Fuel used : ROn 92 from SPC ( Singapore Petroleum Company)

Capacity : Full tank of 40 Litre.

Fuel Receipt for Stock car

Vehicle is STOCK without installing anything. It is factory Default.
The Starting Mileage is using ODO meter reading is 23166Stock Starting reading

The Ending Mileage using the ODO meter reading is 23693

Ending Reading for Stock car
I took the photo immediately when I saw the ‘EMPTY’ light illuminated.

( Please do not take photo while the vehicle is moving. I parked by the side of the road to take the shot)

Total Mileage for the stock vehicle for burning 40 litre of RON 92 petrol :

Ending ODO reading – Starting ODO reading = Answer.

23693 – 23166 = 527 km

Out put per km is 527 / 40 = 13.175km

1 litre of ron 92 petrol will yield 13. 175 km

To travel 100 km all I need is to pump [100/13.175 = 7.59 Litre of Ron 92 Petrol ] on Singapore roads. —this format is for my Australian friends to understand.

Next I will embark on testing my very first voltage stabilizer that I put my hands to.


Gimmy X

The purpose of this Blog

6 10 2007

Dear fellow readers,

I am doing my reviews for my Lancer GLX 1.6 cc on Singapore Roads. I would like to share my findings in goodwill to the Lancers Lover out there.

Owning a car in Singapore is not an easy task , therefore Singaporeans have the tendency to respect their cars as their prices trophy which much emotional attachment.

Personally, as the price of the petrol is escalating I am in the quest of looking for products that will save me petrol and the BEST practise of Driving methods as well.

There are many products that I have come across after I bought my car that will promise a certain percentage of fuel saving element. This got me really interested.

As every car have a warranty of 3 years in Singapore. The product I can review is only those “plug and play” products. This is because personally I do not want jeopardize my warranty entitlement.

The products I came across are; cyclones, Voltage Stabalizers, Drop in Air filter and Oil treatment that makes your engine extra lubricated.

Enough is said, I am going to begin giving an account on the findings of my first campaign, the Voltage Stabalizers -testing projects.